Tuesday, July 19, 2016

How to Install Android 6 0 1 Marshmallow Turbo ROM V4 0 on Moto X Style XT1572 XT1575

According to XDA Member bgos10, Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Turbo ROM V4.0 [ Layers] is now Available for Motorola Moto X Style XT1572/XT1575.

÷ Features and options:

* Turbo tweaks, which includes: *
- Battery bar
- Expanded desktop
- LCD density changer
- Double tap power button vibration toggle
- Double tap to sleep on lock screen
- Double tap to sleep on navigation bar
- Double tap to sleep on status bar
- Three finger swipe for screenshot
- Lock screen alpha changer (for both the bouncer and normal screen)
- Bottom left and right lock screen shortcut changer
- Middle lock screen shortcut changer
- The ability to change the color of the lock screen alarm, clock, and date
- The ability to change the font of the lock clock
- The ability to hide the lock screen alarm, clock, and date
- Lock screen weather
- Lock screen wallpaper changer
- Lock screen torch toggle
- Enable lock screen media art toggle
- Multi-window moved out of developer options into Turbo tweaks
- Memory bar in Recents
- Google search bar toggle
- Recents clear all button toggle and placement adjustments
- Immersive recents options
- SlimRecents
- SlimRecents app sidebar
- Slims navigation bar customization
- Auto-brightness toggle in the QS panel
- Show weather in QS header
- Brightness slider toggle in QS
- Quick pulldown in QS
- Time contextual headers in QS (including Poly HD)
- Advanced location tile toggle
- Enlarge the first row of QS tiles toggle
- The ability to set the number of QS columns (3, 4, or 5)
- The ability to arrange the QS tiles
- Status bar battery configuration
- Status bar brightness control
- Full status bar clock and date customization
- Blacklist status bar icons
- Breathing SMS, missed call, and voicemail

- Notification counter (shows the number of pending notifications in the apps notification icon)
- Turbo ROM logo in the status bar toggle
- Full status bar weather customization
- AOKP custom system animation customization
- Power menu animation customization
- List view animation customization
- Hardware key customization
- Full volume rocker customization
- Advanced reboot
- Slims global menu customization
- Carrier label options
- Increasing ring in phone and alarm
- Tons of status bar color options
- Status bar header QS edit button
- Network traffic indicators
- Lock screen blur
- OmniSwitch
- Quick unlock
- Scramble PIN layout

* Outside of Turbo tweaks *
- Settings dashboard organization
- Settings dashboard switches toggle
- Settings dashboard column configuration
- Proximity wake checker
- More rotation settings
- Wake on plug configuration
- Ambient display notification inversion toggle
- Slims ambient display settings
- Battery and notification light configuration
- Link and unlink ring and notification volumes
- Screenshot sound toggle
- Full Slim IME customizations
- Battery saver color configuration
- Reset battery stats
- Heads up notifications toggle
- Force expanded notifications toggle
- Flashlight notification toggle
- Disable immersive messages toggle
- Phone number lookup
- Proximity speakerphone
- Quick reply messaging
- Call blacklist
- Swipe to delete in messaging
- Even more!


Android Custom ROM fix ® provide various Firmware Updates and Rooting process along with Custom ROM,Modes,file are all belong  to their owners/developers. The autor of this site or the developers are not responsible,  if you damage or brick your device.Do it on your own risk and follow the instruction properly.

* Important:

Backup important files stored on your device before proceeding with the steps below, so that in case something goes wrong you’ll have backup of all your important files.

ROM Download & Installation Instructions via XDA.

For More Moto X Style Updates Keep Checking Android Custom ROM Fix™®

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