Tuesday, July 19, 2016

How to Install Android 6 0 1 Marshmallow LeeDroid V1 0 1 on HTC 10 Rooted with the latest SuperSU 2 71

According to XDA member LeeDroid, Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow LeeDroid V1.0.1 [ 1.30.401.1] ROM Is now available for HTC 10.

LeeDroid V1.0.1 Custom ROM will let HTC 10 users taste the sweetness of Marshmallow 6.0.1 on HTC 10 [pme].

÷ ROM Features:

Android 6.0.1 .
HTC Sense 8 .
Rooted with the latest SuperSU 2.71 thanks to @Chainfire .
De-odexed .
Zip-aligned . i
nit.d & su.d support .
Disable error reporting .
Cleaned up bloat .
BusyBox installed .
SQlite3 support .
Bash and Nano shell support .
 External SD write permissions .
 Removed lots of HTC logging junk .
 Package Signature Checking Disabled .
  Clear cache at boot time .
  Lots of configuration changes and speed enhancements .
  Improved battery vs. Stock builds .
Android Logo font pack (Selectable in settings) . Ambient display / Doze Support .
Advanced Power Menu - Reboot, Recovery, Bootloader & Safe Mode .
Improved battery stats .
SystemUI Tuner - long press settings icon in pull down to enable .
LeeDrOiD custom build trickery .
LeeDrOiD wallpapers .
System clean-ups .
Custom LeeDrOiD Locales & Language support . And lots more........

Exchange mail admin hack . Remove Google & misc apps . Center status-bar clock . Default Tweaks toggles

÷ LeeDrOiD Tweaks:

. Prism landscape . Infinite apps in folders . China Sense . Quick settings quick pull-down from top right corner . Dual Traffic Indicator (Data) . Traffic Indicator colour wheel selection . China Sense Recent Apps . Display 4G for LTE . Double tap status bar to sleep . Long press power for flashlight shortcut when screen off . Toggle boot audio . Set default app installation location
. Toggle fast dormancy . Optional Nav Bar to replace soft keys . Custom Nav Bar Size . Volume keys to control keyboard cursor . Toggle boot audio . Toggle HTC Pnp manager . Launch Marshmallow Land (Hidden MM Game) . Notification toggles - MTP, ADB, Heads Up, Power Save, HTC Sync . flash LED while charging . AM/PM large, small or hidden . Launch SystemUI Tuner . Squared caller photo . Ambient display & tunables . Haptic feedback intensity . Fix Permissions . Zipalign apks . mount system RO/RW . Wipe battery stats
. Wipe Cache . Wipe Dalvik Cache . Trim Partitions and more!

÷ Supported Languages:
English, Czech, German, Espanol, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Norwegian, Korean, Greek, Turkish, Swedish, Danish, Portuguese, Finnish, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Croatian & More
Known Issues
None - you tell me!

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Android Custom ROM fix ® provide various Firmware Updates and Rooting process along with Custom ROM,Modes,file are all belong  to their owners/developers. The autor of this site or the developers are not responsible,  if you damage or brick your device.Do it on your own risk and follow the instruction properly.

* Important:

Backup important files stored on your device before proceeding with the steps below, so that in case something goes wrong you’ll have backup of all your important files.

Installation instructions & more Via here.

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